Allan S. Hoffman and Debi Mukherjee in laboratory

Debi Mukherjee (left) and Allan S. Hoffman in a laboratory studying elastin derived from cow ligament in a laboratory. They appear to be looking through a clear window in a box. Original caption: "The Medical Foundation was formed in 1957 as a single agency to cope with many health problems, thus avoiding different money-raising appeals for each disease. It reviews health needs of people, looks for promising lines of research, and gives grants and fellowships for a number of investigations, in addition to conducting a program of health education. Our United Fund dollars help to support this coordinated program of medical research and education.
Nearly every year, the Medical Foundation sponsors one or more projects at MIT. One project being carried on now is an investigation of elastin, a rubber-like material contained in blood vessels and other body tissues. Professor Allan S. Hoffman, left, of Chemical Engineering, and graduate student Debi Mukherjee are conducting the study on purified elastin extracted from cow ligaments."