Desmond, G. Henri
Projects Scrapbook 1, between front cover and page 1.
front: Aerial color photograph of state capitol building in Augusta, Maine.
back: Addressed to "Mr. I. P. Lord/ 282 Commonwealth Ave/ Chestnut Hill, 67/ Mass" and postmarked 10 AM July 16, 1957 at Camden, Maine. Message reads: "Mon. Aug 15. When I saw this card I thought of you. We are in love with Camden! It has everything from lovely old homes with beautiful doorways to stately elms everywhere. Much like Wiscasset. And gardens everywhere even to flower baskets on the camp [...]. We are going on a tour of several big estates and their gardens on Thursday. One is Bok of Florida fame, and Dodge with 8 gardens. Went today on the boat to Islesboro. Lots to do! Brought your package along and enjoy it! Louise".