[Israel P. Lord personal and biographical]
Business card "Israel Pierre Lord, Architect, 1 Beacon Street, Boston"; two unused ex libris labels "His Book, Israel Lord" with tower, clouds, and winged figure holding shield; "Registration Certificate." "P.M.G.O. Form No. 68." for Israel Pierre Lord of 63 Columbus Avenue Somerville. dated September 12, 1918. stamped on back by City of Somerville; permit number 1152 from the "MINISTERO DELLA PUBBLICA ISTRUZIONE, DIREZIONE GENERALE DELLE ANTICHITA'E BELLE ARTI" allowing Israel P. Lord to visit museums, galleries, and national monuments. dated October 14, 1906. photograph of Israel P. Lord pasted on back; permit from "PREFETTURA DEI SACRI PALAZZI APOSTOLICI, MUSEI E GALLERIE PONTIFICIE" allowing Israel P. Lord access to the Vatican Museums. dated June 10, 1909; printed card announcement in envelope stating that Israel P. Lord and others will be continuing the practice of Codman and Despradelle, Architects under the same name; certificate from the United States District Court, Boston, Massachusetts confirming that Israel P. Lord "was admitted to become a citizen of the United States". dated October 21, 1876; United States Naval Reserve Flying Corps application of Israel P. Lord including biographical information and photograph dated October 15, 1918; residency certificate from "S.P.Q.R., COMMUNE DI ROMA, DIREZIONE DI STATISTICA E STATO CIVILE" for "Lord Israel", paper watermarked 1904, dated July 14, 1909; "GRAPHOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF THE HANDWRITING OF ISRAEL P. LORD" dated February 13, 1929; "Class of 1904 M.I.T January 1, 1964" typewritten listing of alumni by course, 3 pages; certificate number 20179 from "United States of America, Department of the Interior, Bureau of Pensions" for Catherine Lord as the widow of Israel Lord (father of Israel P. Lord) dated May 1, 1908 and two pension adjustment attachments dated December 5, 1916 and October 6, 1917; emergency passport issued by the United States Embassy at Rome, Italy for travel to Turkey by Israel P. Lord, dated March 6, 1909.
20 items.
Related people
Lord, Israel Pierre
Related organizations
Codman & Despradelle