[clippings - Lord biographical]

"WON BY I.P. LORD, Young Architect Gets Two Years" Study Abroad with Expenses." about Rotch Travelling Scholarship, includes portrait photograph; "WINS $2,000 PRIZE. Israel P. Lord's Design Captures Rotch Scholarship."; "DINNER TO ISRAEL P. LORD. Architects and Students of Harvard and Technology Honor Winner of Rotch Scholarship."; "HONOR KEYNOTE OF ARCHITECTS, Standard Higher Now, Declares Sturgis. Pres Lowell Says Object Is to Show Man's Aspirations. Rotch Scholarship Is Won by Charles C. Clark." mentions Israel P. Lord as a past recipient; "ARCHITECTS' DIRECTOR. I. P. Lord of Newton, member of the firm of Desmond and Lord, architects, had been elected a director of the Massachusetts Association of Architects." with annotation in ink "Boston Mass Herald"; "PEABODY COMMITTEE TAKES IN $19,000" mentions Israel P. Lord as giving a gift of $1,000 to the Peabody for Governor Committee; copy of obituary "Israel Lord, Retired Architect from "The Boston Globe" April 28, 1973.
7 items.
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