John E. Burchard at Alumni Seminar, 1967

John E. Burchard, Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences, speaks at a podium in a poorly lit image. Captions on reverse appear to be for a larger article and describes several images.
Original caption: "Highlights of the 1967 Alumni Seminar (left to right, top to bottom): Howard W. Johnson: We know that crisis-ridden cities must be transformed -- 'if not now, when? If not here, where? If not we, who?' John E. Burchard, 1923: Napolean pondered Paris as we ponder Detroit: Can we at once fight wars and build great cities? Irwin W. Sizer: 'The changing city is the key, and we must restore it to man's service.' Arthur R. Steinberg: Even ancient cities, buried 14 deep in the Middle East, reveal the conflict has always been a way of urban life. James R. Killian, Jr. 1926: The university's role is to make clear those 'principles which bear upon man's high standards and lofty purposes.' Robert C. Wood: '...how to rediscover community on a larger scale... Where are our new village greens and town commons?' Technology Review, October November 1967"