Office of Scientific Research and Development Advisory Council, 1946

Copy photo of a group portrait of the Office of Scientific Research and Development Advisory Council, active during World War II, sitting around a large conference table. From left to right, Alfred N. Richards, Henry Spiese Aurand, Jerome Clarke Hunsaker, H. A. Schado, Frank Baldwin Jewett, Vannevar Bush, James Bryant Conant, H. H. Bundy, Julius A. Furer, and Carroll Lewis Wilson. Original caption: "Advisory Council, O.S.R.D. -1946- Left to right: Dr. A. N. Richards, Major General H. S. Aurand, USA, Dr. J. C. Hunsaker, Commodore H. A. Schado, USN, Dr. F. B. Jewett, Dr. V. Bush, Dr. B. Conant, Mr. H. H. Bundy, Rear Admiral Ja. A. Furer, USN, (Ret), Dr. C. L. Wilson."