Compton family, 1939
Black and white photograph of (from left, seated) Karl T. Compton, Otelia Compton, Wilson M. Compton, and (from left, standing) Katherine Compton, Mrs. Arthur Compton, Ross Compton, Helen H. M. Compton, and Helen Compton. They are celebrating Otelia being named American Mother of 1939. Original caption: "American Mother for 1939 and Family New York City - Mrs. Otella Compton, 80 years old, of Wooster, Ohio, chosen as the American Mother of 1939 by a [...] of the Golden Rule Foundation who celebrated Mother's Day, is shown at a luncheon and reception held in her honor at the Hotel Waldorf-Astoria here today with her sons and other members of her family. Shown left to right, seated, Dr. Karl Compton, President of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Mrs. Otelia Compton, Dr. Wilson Compton. Left to right, standing: Katherine Compton, Mrs. Arthur Compton, Russ Compton, Mrs. Wilson Compton and Helen Compton." Used in: Boston Herald Traveler, May 13 1939. Original credit line: Wide World Photos.
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