Carroll Louis Wilson and others at meeting of the Atomic Energy Commission, 1947

Members of the Atomic Energy Commission work and talk around a conference table.
Original caption: "(Spring or summer 1947)
Left to right at table:
Col. Kenneth E. Fields - Div. of Military Application (on loan - temporary)
Dr. James B. Fisk - Dir. Div. of Research
Fletcher C. Waller - Dir. Div. of Personnel (or Asst. GM Administrative)
Paul W. Ager - Dir. of Budget Division
D. Lyle Belsley - Secretary
Carroll L. Wilson - General Manager
Wilbur E. Kelley - Manager New York Directed Operations
Walter J. Williams - Manager Field Operations (or Dir. Div of Production)
Herbert S. Marks - General Counsel
Paul M. Gree - Comptroller
Left to right at rear: Richard O. Niehoff - Spec. Asst. to GM
John A. Derry - Asst. to GM (Technical)