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Jerrold Reinach Zacharias, Vance E. Gray and Jacob L. Reddix, 1964

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Jerrold Reinach Zacharias talks with Vance E. Gray and Jacob L. Reddix during a conference regarding MIT's relationships with historically black colleges and universities.

Original caption 1: "Professor Jerrold R. Zacharias (left) was chairman of a conference held at M.I.T. last spring on steps to assist the predominently Negro colleges and universities."

Original caption 2: "Left to right: Dr. Jerrold R. Zacharias, member of Am. Council on Education ad hoc Committee, of M.I.T.; Mr. Vance E. Gray, Administrative Assistant to the President of North Carolina Agricultural and Technical College, Greensboro; and Mr. Jacob L. Reddix, President of Jackson State College, Jackson, Mississippi. M.I.T. Conference on Negro College Summer Institutes, held in Cambridge on April 18 and 19, 1964."

Used in: Technology Review, November 1964 p. 43.

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