30' Buzzard's Bay Class # 560 to # 567 also

Construction plan framing, interior compartments, and other structural details of the Herreshoff Buzzard’s Bay 30 Class. At the top of the sheet, the boat is seen from above, showing the framing on one side and outlines of deck and interior structures on the other. In the middle, cross-sections of the boat are shown at various points along the length. At the bottom, the boats are seen from the side, with framing and some interior details delineated.
This construction plan shows several key design features of the Buzzard’s Bay 30s, including light wooden framing strengthened by diagonal bronze straps, a heavy, low keel to balance the large sail plan, and a centerboard cleverly designed so it does not interfere with the living space below.
The Buzzard’s Bay 30s were a one-design class built for the Beverly Yacht Club in Marion, Massachusetts, at the upper end of Buzzard’s Bay. All built to the same specifications, these yachts allowed their owners to race in evenly matched boats that made winning primarily a contest of seamanship.
Catalog Notes: Changes, calculations. Related vessel names: Anita, Arabian, Aria, Evelyn, Game Cock, Larikin, Mashnee, Notos, Pontiac, Praxilla, Quakeress II, Wahtawah, Young Miss, Zingara. Related hulls: 560, 561, 562, 563, 564, 565, 566, 567, 569, 570, 571, 572, 576, 583. Associated HMCo plans: 65-34, 79-49, 112-43.
Additional Information
HMCo pattern number(s): 07329, 01767, 06536, 06911, 01717, 01718, 07900, 03190.5, 05652, 05523, 01717, 01718, 01968, 01969, 03315,
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